He want middle name my ex?!


So my bf wants the name Nathan for our little one if it’s a boy. I’ve nannied for Nathan’s, I’ve slept with Nathan’s, I’ve dated a Nathaniel(Nate). I compromised and said middle name. It would just make me uncomfortable having a kid with the same name as someone I was once with. I like really original hippie names like Blaze and Riot. I’m willing to compromise but he’s still really pushing for a first name Nathan. I tried to explain it’d be like if I wanted to name our daughter your ex gfs name, but he countered saying he’d be fine with it if I got that name from somewhere else, not only because of knowing his ex. (Side note, I don’t think he’d be fine with it). Oh, and the reason Nathan is so important to him it’s from Uncharted, the game and the main character is Nathan Drake. I understand that it’s important to him, but im trying not to get real real pregnant lady pissed. Thoughts???