I felt pretty today


I work at a vineyard and it’s not every day I get to feel pretty while pruning vines. But today with my new $3 sun hat I felt gorgeous.

My husband made me feel pretty too when he asked me if he could post it on his Facebook (which is a HUGE compliment because he NEVER posts anything on Facebook)

We tend to miss each other a lot because we only get to see one another about 2 hours everyday and weekends. So we tend to send each other pictures of ourselves throughout the day to keep in touch. But this particular picture he really liked and I was beyond happy.

This was really the first day that I could really enjoy working outside. Beautiful sunshine nice crispy fresh breeze.

Here’s to all you beautiful ladies, please feel free to share a selfie or picture of you that makes you feel pretty ☺️☺️

And as a bonus this is what my view at work looked like today: