Should I send her to bed hungry?

I have a 2 year old. For dinner we made chicken, asparagus, and mashed potatoes and gravy. She likes all of those. But she decided she only wanted to eat the potatoes. I can’t force her to eat, I just left her plate there in case she changed her mind. She didn’t, and she ended up throwing it in the trash.

Now, it’s almost bed time and she’s screaming because her dad is eating something and she can’t have any. He heated up some leftover dinner for her and she won’t touch it but is screaming because she wants to eat what he has (it’s fruit with ice cream)

Since I offered her dinner, should I give in and feed her something she will eat or send her bed hungry? She does this a lot

Thanks guys! I felt so guilty thinking about her going to bed hungry but I know she does it because we typically give instead of snacks, I did give her a piece of toast (plain) just to make sure she wasn’t starving. She wasn’t happy about it but she did eat it then went right to bed. Hopefully from now on, she learns to eat her dinner. As for the comment that said it was rude to eat desserts in front of her.. my husband was hungry and there’s really no hiding it from her. Plus, maybe that will teach her to eat her dinner and she can have some.