Fertility Friend moved my ovulation day?!


I use fertility friend as well, mainly for tracking BBT. This morning I logged my temp for today and the my chart changed with ovulation line moving, to lead me to now being 3dpo as opposed to the previously assessed 6dpo. In addition to dpo changes, it also changed the coverline, previously 36.25’C.

I don’t use OPK’s, but based on CM I would have thought the previous estimated ovulation date to be more accurate. This is a bit confusing as the previous date sets us up nicely, where if I am now 3dpo we are likeky to be out this month.

Based on CM I don’t think the updated ovulation date is right. I also had what felt like ovulation cramps on Friday.

Anyone have any insight? Or something similar happen before?

This is my current chart with updated dpo’s.

This is the previous chart from yesterday

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