What to feed baby


So my son is 10 Months Old, going on 11. He hates purées since he’s started a few finger foods (eggs, puffs, yogurt melts, Cheerios), so now he refuses to eat off a spoon. He’s only eaten those few things, and the teething biscuits but those aren’t a whole diet. I still feed him purees right now but it’s a fight, he’ll eat cereal a little more willingly so there’s been a lot of that.

My question is: what “meals” are you feeding your babies that have outgrown purées?

I know gerber makes lil entrees but money is tight so I’ve been homemaking his food since he started eating real food, so I’d prefer things I can make.

Update for future reference:

I’m a very picky eater, I don’t eat vegetables or meat and in the words of my mother; I “eat like a 4 year old” so I can’t feed him what I’m eating, this is why I need ideas