Milk Thistle/Fenugreek?


Hey all, my LO is 10 months old now. We are still breastfeeding along with the solids, but my supply took a huge hit recently. We both went through a nasty cold recently. She nursed a lot less and I was taking antihistamines (but no sudafed). I’ve been pumping a lot more and making sure the breasts are emptied frequently, but I’m not seeing an increase in supply. Ive always kept up with the pumping to make sure my supply didn’t dip while she has 3 solid meals a day.

Last night LO was in distress because I actually ran out of milk in both breasts during her night time feeding. I had to dip into my freezer stash because she was hysterical.

The pump is a hospital grade rental and I’ve replaced the parts, so they’re not worn out. I’ve been drinking a lot more water and eating more too, thinking it was from dehydration and lack of calories. I am not pregnant again nor have I had a period since giving birth. I just placed an order online for some Milk Thistle and Fenugreek.

Anyone have success with it? How much did you take? How long was it before you saw results? Thanks in advance.