Need advice

My boyfriend and I recently found out that I am 8 weeks pregnant. I am 18 years old almost 19 and he is 19 almost 20. Recently in our relationship he has started being irritable with me about every small thing. It’s stressful. If I wake up in the morning before him which I always do... and get up he gets mad because I don’t stay in there with him in bed. If I go to bed before him or leave the house before he wakes up on some days because he sleeps in late and I have stuff to do he gets mad.... he constantly wants to go everywhere I go but he leaves and doesn’t come to bed when I do and I dont care but when it’s the other way around he does. And it’s always about little stuff all the time... stressing me out. I always have to walk on eggshells... and it’s upsetting. I don’t know if I should be brushing things off.. or what to do about it. Does anyone else go through things like this?