13 Months of Trying


Hey Ladies. I was hoping to get any input as I am at a loss. My husband and I started trying 13 months ago and have yet to get pregnant. I have normal periods, the ovulation tests say I am ovulating. I have never missed a month ovulating. Everything is very regular. 2 months ago we had my husbands sperm checked and everything came back healthy and normal. My OBGYN has not been much help because I am ovulating and my insurance does not cover infertility so we are trying to wait it out and try everything we can before going to a specialist. As a side bar, I had an ultra sound about 6 months ago because of an ovarian cyst and I was told I may have a heart shaped uterus. From everything I am seeing that would not effect fertility... Has anyone gone through or is going through a similar situation?? We are praying for a miracle and trusting the timing but it is so hard.