

My husband has two days off each week and, lately, does not shit around the house. He freaks out on me if I ask him to do one simple thing like get the baby out of bed. Like I’m some kind of monster because I asked him to move. He sleeps all day everyday because he works nights. He gets home at 3:30am and stays up till 6-7am playing video games. Meanwhile, I have to get up at 8am with the baby and stay up all day with him. I don’t really get to go anywhere because we have one car and they like to call him in early randomly, so I can’t go to my cloth diaper group play dates because they’re like an hour away and he MIGHT get called in. I do dishes and laundry and everything else and he acts like me asking him to clean our room (which he’s been promising for months) is the worst thing ever!

P.s. I fucking understand that he works and I’m a SAHM, that doesn’t justify him acting like he’s 12. I’m his wife, not his mom.