Finally BFP!


November 2016 we decided to start trying again. After a little over a year I gave up and just decided to live life with my 2 girls and focus on them and my career. Well after a couple of month of starting my full time job and wanting to start going back to school to become a preschool teacher this happens!

I’m in shock because I had giving up and we haven’t really been intimate so it’s so unexpected but I couldn’t be more happy to add to my little family.

I had the digital test for a while under my bathroom sink from when I was actually trying so I thought maybe it was faulty or something so I went and got my old reliables from the dollar store lol

I have an appt next week with my dr because I’ve had miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy so I want to get seen as soon as possible.

Don’t give up ladies stop stressing out and it will happen when you least expect it. I still can’t believe it myself. I keep taking test lol