is it my fault?

So i have been sick with pneumonia and only just came out of the hospital last night. So me and my Bf wanted to have sex. It started out okay and when we wanted to do it, i was still dry. Trust me i was horny as hell but i was still so very dry. So instead of helping me solve this (this has never happened) he kind of freaked the hell out. he made me feel insecure saying theres something wrong with me and blaming me and telling me i wasnt into him etc. I felt like crying and i did. He stood up and went outside and i was once again left high and dry. The foreplay consisted of him only kissing my neck and usually works but i needed more last night.... as we usually just jump right to the deed. i feel disgusted and i feel like i dont want him touching me anymore. i dont want sex anymore. Pneumonia is no joke, i am swollen all over my body and it makes me feel insecure so ofcourse i need a little more reasurance. the fact that he made me feel like the devil is hurting me. I dont even want to speak to him today. when he got back to bed i stood up and went sleeping in another room. He didnt care one bit. I fell asleep feeling like im just a failure and im disgusting. Today he continues like he didnt just hurt me , like nothing happened. I serriously dont want him near me or speaking to me. Am i wrong???