He’s here 37+5 days


So they ended up inducing me early because they felt that baby gage was small and would do better on the outside world.

I had to be at the hospital yesterday morning at 6:30 am to get induced. After getting checked in they didn’t start me on pitocin until about 730 and my doctor didn’t come in until about 930 to check my water. I was already about 3-4 cm dialated when she came in to break my water.

After that I started getting contractions but nothing too uncomfortable until the next time they checked me which was around 1030 then I was a 5. This is when they gave me the choice for the epidural and I chose to just because I know that it could make labor faster being relaxed. So they ended up pumping me full of fluids and about 30 min later called for the epidural they gave me fentenal to help ease why they were inserting the epidural. After insertion they layer me on my left side could feel a little pressure on my right hip nothing to bad and had a pillow wedge in between my legs. At around 1145 I told my nurse I was getting some uncomfortable cramps in my right hip that I possibly needed to roll to the other side. She came in and adjusted me and my monitor. Before she walked out of the door I told her I felt my contraction leave my hip and go straight to my crotch. Weirdest sensation ever. She checked me and was like baby time! Called the doctor let the other nurses know started prepping. Ladies I was holding him in with each contraction so hard even but I got to give the epidural props because without it I would of been forcing to push. My doctor got there set me up and literally told me to push with the next contraction went ahead and within 2 pushes baby Gage Bradley was born at 12:17pm weighing in at 6.2 pounds and 18.5 inches long perfect and healthy and handsome! He is sooo perfect and chill as a cucumber 🥒