Needing prayers and possible similar situations!


So I’m pregnant yay!!! Baby number 3! Have been trying for a while now. For 4 days I had the brown discharge when I wiped I am five weeks tomorrow. Yesterday I had blood dark red blood. Got blood work. Shows I’m pregnant it my levels are low. Going back Monday for more work. On bed rest till then. I did not have anything like this with my two girls so I’m very nervous. It’s like my period is here but not as heavy but I need a pad. Doctor is not concerned yet just told me to rest. The bleeding is letting up s little bit I also have slight cramps on and off. Can anyone relate???

UPDATE!!!! after resting all day the bleeding has slowed and is lighter and the cramps are going away. So I guess I’m not moving from this sofa all weekend till I’m seen Monday!!! Hopefully all is well by then