Rant... Am I being sensitive?

So long story short, my brother in law and sister in law currently live with my husband and I. (They’re leaving in august) Anyways, they all speak Spanish. My husband speaks fluent English and I’ve been learning Spanish for the past 4ish years and I’m roughly 90% fluent. Although my BIL and SIL (let’s call her Jade) speak English (not fluently) most of our conversations are in Spanish. It was hard at first, but it’s really helped me to learn faster. Well anyways, my husbands childhood best friend (let’s call him Mark) flew in for a visit with his wife (Layla) and baby. I really really like them. The thing is, the wife of Mark has known Jade literally all her life. I’ve only known them for about 6 years. The point is, I’ve tried really hard to form my own relationship with them so that it’s not weird to be I the group of people who have known each other FOREVER. Well my sister I law makes that damn near impossible. Often times the guys begin talking about their guy stuff and Jade and Layla launch into conversations I cannot partake in. People I don’t know. Places I’ve never been. Events I wasn’t around to see. Layla will still try to maintain eye contact at least but it’s like my SIL blocks me out. No way to get a word in edge wise around her. If I say who is that or when was that, she doesn’t respond. Keep in mind, this is all IN MY SECOND FREAKING LANGUAGE. Help a girl out! I’ve called her out before and she gets all hurt and says she didn’t hear. My sil is really sweet, so idk whether to think that she’s just deaf or a liar. Honestly, it’s easier for me with my hubbie and Mark. Mark at least takes an interest and tells me stories about him before we were married. I’m just so irritated and frustrated. And I don’t hide it well. HELP!