My heart

I don’t know where else to post this...

But I need to write it out...

My nephew passed away May 1st. He was only 6 months old... my heart breaks... he had been in my families care for 2 months while my brother got back and his wife was healing from PPD...

He was in my mother’s care for a month and a half and my sister and my care for two weeks... this poor baby went to 4 different homes in those short months he lived but finally was with his dad and mom...

The night he passed my brother had sang him a song on his guitar and put him to bed smiling and cooing... later when my SIN went to check on him he wasn’t breathing and his nose was bleeding... my brother immediately took him into his arms and rushed him to the ER... they tried everything they could to get him back... only to pass away... I’m so sad... this baby will never have his first steps, first solid meal and never be able to chase behind my son or his other cousins... i want nothing more than all this to be a horrible dream but sadly it’s reality...