My body might be working FINALLY

Vanessa • Navy wife and mom to an angel in heaven, and three beautiful girls on earth! Trying to navigate quarantine life, running a small business, and having a toddler and a small baby’s at the same time while the oldest does virtual school. Oh what a world we li

A little back story here:

I first got pregnant in April of 2013 and miscarried before I even knew I was pregnant, but the rest still was positive. I had to get a D&C; done because the baby had passed close to a month before and wasn’t expelling on it’s own.

I got pregnant again in October 2013 and was nervous to be pregnant after my loss. The OB I saw early in my pregnancy also saw me during my miscarriage experience, so she put me on progesterone because my uterine lining looked like it wasn’t even all the way around so she wanted to ensure it would build all the way up. I have no idea if it helped my pregnancy or not but it was comforting. I delivered a healthy baby girl in June 2014.

After having my daughter I tried the nexplanon because I was breastfeeding and told it was safe. I bled for 5-ish months wit a break for a few days here and there but not enough. I took it out and replaced it with Paragard, because I was still breastfeeding and didn’t want the hormones causing issues.

I had my Paragard removed the end of December 2017 and we stared trying immediately (removed it around cd8/9) and my periods were not normal. They were consistently every 28-29 days but I was only bleeding 1-2 days. The doctors office said it can take 3 months to get back to “normal”, so I waited 4 months and still was doing the same thing.

I went to see the doctor again a week ago and he said he wants to test if I’m actually ovulating, so I go in on May 9th to get blood work done and see if my body has ovulated. I wanted to check on my own as well so I used OPKs for the first time ever this cycle. The last couple days I used them and it was so faint the first time I was nervous my body wasn’t working.

But TODAY it’s finally a positive OPK surge! My body works! I can only hope that this is our month and I don’t have to deal with the weird cycle anymore. I was so scared I was going to have to try medications and get my body to do it’s job. But I’m grateful to see some minor hope in this TTC process. The doctor said if we don’t conceive by 6 months we will do further testing because of my husbands job possibly causing fertility issues.

I’m so relived though you guys!

Also here’s a picture of my test. I know it’s positive I’ve figured out how they worked a long while ago.