losing weight with weight watchers and with keto

ad • 31. Married. 2 step children. :) TTC #1 of my own.

anyone interested in losing weight, struggling to lose weight, currently following either diet... feel free to message me!!! any questions, comments or someone to talk/relate with!!! feel free!!

Well, after trying the keto diet for 3 months... it's just not for me. I successfully lost 70 lbs following weight watchers, gained 35 back and lost 20 of that doing keto. Even though I lost weight doing Keto, I found it very hard to not get bored of my options and just didn't have the patience to explore the many recipes and alternatives to keep my diet interesting. So ultimately, I have found myself back to following the new weight watchers plan. I feel great about finally getting myself to a meeting today, and starting over following a plan I know works for me, and that I was successful and happy with in the past. I'm happy with my weight now. I wouldn't mind losing a few, but I'm primarily just trying to maintain, and feel healthy. I've got a love for food that obviously can land me in a place and body that I do not want to be in again. Following some kind of plan is something I just have to do as long as I want to maintain a thinner appearance. I'm so jealous of all you people out there who can just eat whatever you want, with no thinking or planning and just stay the same weight no matter what. Your freaking lucky!!!! Staying thin is not easy!!!! the first 2 photos are from 2015, and the last 2 are

from today. dont give up if your trying to lose weight. being successful is all about finding the right plan that works for YOU!

side note: I am currently TTC so I know I cant continue following the same plan entirely after I get pregnant... but getting myself in the right mindset before pregnancy is so important to me so I can hopefully navigate through pregnancy witb better habits in order to not become a cow. 🐄🐄🐄🐄 😂😂😊