Keto help!!!

JazzE • Married; SAHM; 5 kids; Currently TTC #6 🥰😜 ♥️♥️♥️

Y’all. I tried the keto diet for 2 days. And I think I almost died. I got so dizzy and lightheaded. The nausea lasted for 2 days. I don’t know if I can try it again. I’ve read about keto flu and such. But I just don’t know if I’m doing it right.

How do you manage all the symptoms at first and still find the strength to parent? Like I could not even make my kids dinner I was so dizzy. I was only able to warm up some oatmeal for them.

Please send me tips.

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Anything. Something.

My highest weight was 331lbs. And I am now at 300, maybe 299 on a good day.