Body feels messed up


So, I was on the depo for a few years and last shot was May 17, let that go and went on a couple of pills in September 17 til Christmas and since then no contraception as me and SO are trying before we marry May19. This past week I have had nausea, cramping, breast tenderness and blinding head aches and finally went to GP yesterday to see why- waste of time that was as they offered no explanation?

This cycle today glow says I am 9DPO so tested today with a clear blue first response and negative? Can anyone relate to this as I am not sure what on earth is happening this cycle to make my head hurt for 3 days 😒😒😒

Sleep and drinking plenty of water also hasn’t helped .... anyone had this either before a BFP of AF rears her ugly head in apparently 4 days????

Help would be amazing x thank you