20 week Anatomy U/S


“Bump” has definitely done some growing since the last U/S, two weeks ago. 🤗

His movement is stronger, along with his kicking... And his attitude? JUST LIKE HIS DADDY!!! 😭😭😩😩

The poor little guy had the hiccups, so he was already unhappy. And then constantly being poked with the probe, while having limited amount of space as it is. He was not having it! He kept moving his face out of view and kicked me every time the probe moved near. He got annoyed to the point that he gave her the elbow multiple times 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽👊🏾👊🏾😐😐

So, cooperation was not in favor. 🙄

I then went to the restroom, with the thought of “maybe an empty bladder will make it less crowded and me moving will help soothe him?” Nope 😐

“Mini-Him” is going to do what he wants to do... when he wants to. 😒

I had to lay on my side for the rest of the hour, in order for her to get a visual on his heart, nose & mouth (he has his daddies lips), organs, and a full body frame.

All in all, he looks (like his dad) and acts (like his dad) healthy. 🙂💙🤗

20 weeks, 4 days, 12 oz.