Need advice - should I have a laproscopy?


We've been trying for a year and four months. I know, I know: not that long, but it feels like an absolute age. We have had multiple appointments with a gynaecologist last year due to pain in my side and missing a couple of periods, and nothing really came of all the appointments - just that they couldn't really find any problems. The first doctor found like a million problems from their ultrasound (potential PCOS, septum in my uterus, inverted uterus etc.), but the second gynae found pretty much nothing. Then the pain stopped and my periods have been normal, so it's not so much of a problem anymore. The bigger problem is that I'm not pregnant yet!

And now we have just had our first appointment with a fertility consultant. She has done an ultrasound and said I have a septum in my uterus that needs removing (and agrees I have an inverted uterus, but that's fine apparently), so they will do a hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic. She also wants to do a laproscopy whilst I'm under anaesthesia to just see if there's any other problems in there that are stopping us getting pregnant (even though the most recent ultrasound(s) that I have had just showed not much in the way of problems - just maybe a small something in the left tube). Anyway, so I am worried about going under general anaesthetic in any case as I have never done this before. I also don't want to have unnecessary surgery. I understand the hysteroscopy - a septum massively increases the risk of miscarriage and they would want to remove it before they offer us <a href="">IVF</a> at 2 years of trying. However, I am very wary of the laproscopy as this is just exploratory surgery and can potentially scar/hurt my tube! Also, the recovery time is longer than for a hysteroscopy. We didn't really get a chance to discuss it with the fertility consultant as this was all thrown at us at the appointment, and we weren't expecting it at all. We were expecting to be told just to keep trying. I have asked if we can have another appointment to discuss it with the fertility consultant, but we've been told that would take us off the list for the hysteroscopy, and that I should discuss any concerns at the surgery appointment.

Has anyone been through anything similar? Should I have the laproscopy?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you guys!