Person & Pregnancy

Shaunalynna • Married • Age: 39 • TTC #1

Has anyone ever had AF that’s lasted at least 8 days and been pregnant? She’s been very very light as in not needing to wear a pad or anything, but it’s been brown & red blood flow. Usually I am full fledge heavy flow, PMS, cramping and all. I haven’t had any of those symptoms though and she’s been very light. My sister said with her third she bled light and actually through the beginning of the pregnancy and didn’t realize it until other symptoms showed. My cycles have been crazy the last few months with AF start dates making it hard for us to determine my ovulation days. Those crazy cycle flows have always been very heavy with the flow and last 5 days at the most. Since ovulation pin point is a mess, we’ve just started naturally having fun and hoping for the best. I’m just wanting to know if anyone has dealt with a similar situation and then got a positive outcome? I don’t want to test or anything until I think I would have an actual reason to. Comments appreciated :)