Pregnant possibly or move on to next cycle

Ok, I’m confused with my body at the moment so I’m reaching out on here to maybe get some answers.

Some back history is that I had the paragard in for about 1.5 years. While having it in I had regular periods that lasted for about a week including first days of spotting and last days spotting. I got it out in March right before my period was suppose to start so we could start TTC. My period was then late for about a week and it was light afterwards. Normally my periods are heavy for a couple days in the middle with clots occasionally and horrible cramping.

My period was estimated to start may 1st and on that day I started to get the brown spotting/discharge. Then the 2nd it was still brown but turning red. The 3rd it was heavy/medium throughout the day.the 4th it was lighter and some tampons were uncomfortable to wear due to the flow being light. I had a panty liner on last night and there was nothing when I woke up. Also so far today there’s not been much. My periods have never gone for only 3-4 days. Always 6-7. Is this happening because my BC is out (it was non-hormonal) or could I be pregnant?

I don’t want to keep thinking I’m pregnant if I’m not. This was obly our first month tryibg and although I’m bummed it didnthappen, it was only the first time trying so I’m not hung up on it. I’m just confused with what my body is doing. I didn’t have horrible cramps this time but I did have a big appetite, bloating, and moodiness.