Hair disaster - help desperately needed


So, I went to the hairdressers this morning with my thick curly moderately long hair:

I liked it, but it very much needed a tidy, split ends everywhere bla bla bla etc. Etc. Etc.

So I went, and asked for a small trim however me being very socially awkward didn’t really talk to her much.

(Bit if background: my normal regular hair dresser recently moved on who knows that I am trying to grow my hair so this girl is knew to me)

She finished cutting my hair.

It is so short

I hate it so much

Idk what to do

I don’t want to go out in public - I now have a hair style that only works with straight hair. It looks like a block.

The worst part is that I am in a very important show in 3 and a half weeks where my hair is a very important part of my role so I desperately need it back.

I feel like she’s chopped away my personality in a way.

Please can someone help me with a way to help it grow as much as possible. However long it possibly can.

Please help