First trimester light bleeding

Amanda • 30/ 🇨🇦 / Baby Girl born 08/29/19

So I’m 5 weeks 5 days according to my last months period start. Last night I had a little bit of light pink spotting only when I wiped. Same with this morning. Started getting a little bit of cramping today but nothing crazy or painful. Not even comparable to period cramps.

But I just went to the bathroom and wiped and it was more than before and spotted in my underwear. Not enough to fill a pad. Not even close. But I’m a little worried.

I don’t see my doctor until Tuesday, but should I be going to a clinic or emergency now?


Saw my doctor today and he’s not concerned at all about miscarriage at this point. He said to obviously keep an eye on it and if it gets heavy or clotting and I get painful cramps then that’s a bad sign. But my bleeding/spotting has stopped and everything else at the doctor went well :)