TTC- is it still possible

ok so I ovulated on the 15th glow thought I ovulated on the 11th. I know this because of my BBT. I took a test when I was 6dpo and came back faint positive. I was a little concerned I had to go to the Dr for a yeast infection any ways so I showed her the test and she confirmed that it was a faint positive. she did a urine test also and she said it was negative so she ordered blood work and it was negative also she only did the kind that gives you a yes or no. mind you I was only 6dpo. the test I took was a 6day sooner first response. she then ordered a ultrasound and told me she thinks I have pcos and she got me a appointment for the 17th of this month. I was 8 days late for my period and I only bleed for 2 days of u add the timing together. I started Saturday about noon and ended Monday early in the morning. me and my bf had sex Monday night and I started bleeding again it was a really weird color almost like my blood masked pink and brown together. it filled up bout a half tampon and was over before morning. me and my bf had sex Tuesday night also but this time I bleed a lot more it was bright pink and red I even had a baby blood clot come out also. I called the Dr to my OBGYN and she told me it dont sound like I have pcos... but that's all she said she told me she wanted to see me sooner but my bf works crazy hers and we cant make it. any advice what could be going on im very regular. my period are usually bout 3-5 days and are medium heavy... this has never happened to me before. TTC baby #1. and im 21 yrs old...

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