

This is my first time posting. My husband and I have been trying for baby #2 after having a 16 month old. I purchased the clear blue advanced fertility monitor but have not been able to use it yet because I waited too late during my cycle.

Anywho, my af was due sometime between the 1st and 5th (today) of this month. I haven’t been feeling right and af hasn’t came, so I decided to test. I didn’t have any poas test, so I used one of the pregnancy sticks that came with the ovulation testing strips WITHOUT using the monitor.

I used FMU and got only the control line. I didn’t stay the allotted wait time. I came back about an hour later and seen what looks like a faint line. Very faint lol. Upon binging (I use Bing), I see that this may actually be an evaporated line.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I have a first response early detection test delivery tomorrow.

Thanks in advance! 😀