

So I have some questions and maybe some of y’all are going through the same things? I need advice and guidance. So me and my hubby aren’t exactly trying for a baby but yet in the same way we are because I’m not on any birth control. It’s been 4 months and I can’t seem to get pregnant. I know I’m fine (at least I think I am haha) I never miss a period extremely healthy exercise daily, drink lots of water you know the good stuff. I’m completely normal I don’t know why I would have a problem having a baby. My hubby on the other side.... he had a kid when he was 22 (with someone else) and then 3 years later he was diagnosed with myeloma cancer. He got better and has been in remission ever since he is 28 year old he also has diabetes. I read that going through radiation lowers the sperm count. Because of that he suffers from ED. I’ve noticed as months gone by his dick is slowly starting to go back to normal and get hard. When he cums it’s not a whole lot. I need Help we are fixing to close on our home & are in a position to bring a new life into this world.. any suggestions or someone going through this?