Our first IUI


Me and my husband have been ttc baby #1 for 3 and a half years now. 2 years ago we had a miscarriage. Since then I have done 4 rounds of Clomid with my OBGYN. Then we started seeing our RE. I did 3 round of Femara, but it did not work for me. After that, we have done another 8 rounds or so of Clomid. we finally found the right dose to make me ovulate. Then we found out that my huband's counts are low. Our struggle with infertility has definitely been a long and emotional journey for me. Last Saturday we did our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. (The day after our 5 year anniversary, that would be the best anniversary present ever) Our doctor and nurses at MRM (our fertility clinic) have been amazing. They have been so helpful and reassuring during this whole process. But now I'm in the tww and it's killing me! I don't take a pregnancy test for another week!