Newborn too attached to sleeping on my chest?

My daughter is 16 days old and loves sleeping on my chest so much to the point when in try to put her in her bassinet, she wakes right up. I know it's because when I get up with her at night, I'm so exhausted that while burping her, we will both fall asleep. Yes I know it's dangerous to co-sleep like this when shes this young and small. Most of the time, I really dont mean to fall asleep holding her but I'm just so exhausted that I do... Then when I wake up and am uncomfortable and want to lay on my side, I lay her down and as said, she wakes right up either ready to eat or she'll go back to sleep in my arms/on my chest.

So I guess my questions really are: how can I keep myself awake while taking care of her so I quit letting her fall asleep on my chest and how can I get her to be comfortable sleeping alone again?