Been trying for 9 months. 😞 Asking for help.

My husband and I have been trying for 9 months. We have been together for 7 years and I feel like a failure... I have PCOS.

Since ttc I have gotten so healthy! I eat good. I workout every day! I am not over weight, I am 24 and I just want to cry y'all.

My brother and his girlfriend accidentally got pregnant and the gender reveal was today and it was just so hard for me. SO HARD. I am happy for them and all but they do not my any means have their shit together, they can barely take care of themselves... and now, a baby? I really am having a hard time. I've never been a jealous person but this sucks. She has been complaining every step of the way, when there are people... people like me who would give ANYTHING to get pregnant.

Ever since we got married everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE is constantly asking when we are going to have a baby. No one ever told me this would be hard. I just thought, if i stopped taking my birth control it would just happen.. you know?

Anyway.. I'm needing a friend... someone who knows what I'm going through.. My husband is so so sweet and caring but I just feel like a failure. I'm so tired. Any tips?