35 TTC for 3 months and it happened!

HatJ 🇳🇿 • Jan 2019 baby #1 Aug 2020 baby #2

Just wanted to share my story as I’ve been wanting to start TTC with my partner for over a year but he has not been ready until now. He is 3 years younger than me and I’ve been so worried that it would take ages and I’d have missed my chance. A couple of months ago he told me he is ready to start trying. I was really happy but still worried it would take us at least a year and I would be 37 before becoming a mother for the first time. On month 3 I was so surprised to get my BFP. Early days yet (only 4 weeks) but I just wanted to reassure anyone my age who is concerned....it may not be the long road you thought it might be!

Wishing everyone the best of luck.