Feel like my life is falling apart

Right now I feel like life is falling apart, I feel like I’m in a vat of cement gasping for air as more is being poured in. First I find out we owe 2750 dollars in rent, we get 900 to put towards our owing and my dog gets sick peeing blood, vomiting, diarrhea. So we are faced with paying for my dogs medical bills or rent . Now it’s Saturday no vets are open except emergency so we can go and end up paying $2000 or wait it out till Monday because he is still eating and drinking and playing. My first thing that comes to mind is I just want to kill my self because I cannot handle the stress. I tell my fiancé he doesn’t take me serious just gets mad at me for stressing i just my life to be easy going not stressful but it just doesn’t work like that sadly. It feels when things are going good it takes a plummet down hill