TTC Advice ...


I am 33 (I have 2 children, 12 and 8 from a previous relationship). My husband is 28 (has a 2 year old from a previous relationship) We have been trying to conceive since January (went off of depo in October, and started the Nuvaring, and stopped it in January). We have had absolutely no luck getting pregnant, not even a glimmer of hope. My doctor prescribed me progesterone to take 14 days after my cycle ends (just started my period 3 days ago). My cycle is pretty normal. I get a period every 28 days like clock work. I am starting to think mu age has a lot to do with this and I'll never be able to have another baby.

Any ladies in their 30's who have gotten pregnant, have any advice? Things I could be doing, using, etc..?? Any advice is greatly appreciated.