April 23, 2018 ❤️

minutewithlexi • 🐻 born on 4/23/18

My baby bear was born on April 23rd at 7:31am via unplanned C-section. I went in to be induced at 12am, pitocin started at 1:18am (I was 2cm and 80% effaced), and water broke at 4:45am. He had his hand on his head and it started to come out. After about an hour or so of several nurses and residents trying to pinch it and push it back in, and me getting an epidural so that I’d be more comfortable with them trying to force it back in (I wanted to go with a medicine-free birth), the doctor decided that it was best for me to have a c-section.

He wanted to start it at 7:30, but they wheeled me in around 7:20 and got started fairly quickly because he was born at 7:31 at 7lbs 7oz and 20in long. We got started breastfeeding and it’s been amazing ever since. Still kind of having a hard time accepting that I had to have a c-section because I pushed for a natural birth so hard from the beginning. However, I am so grateful he’s here and healthy, and I’m so in love with him.