Possibly my month!


Hello ladies! My husband and I have been TTC for 10 months now and I think this might be it, but trying not to get my hopes up... The app says I am 9DPO but I think I and 10DPO. Anyways, that part doesn’t matter 😂 AF is due Thursday or Friday.

The last week and a half I have experienced so many different symptoms from hot flashes to constipation, to craving spicy food and sore breasts. I have also been crampy and fatigue hit me like a rock yesterday.

Some of these are normal PMS symptoms to me, but the hot flashes and constipation I had last week are not...

I am praying hard that this is our month, but also trusting God that if it is not, then I will still be okay. But just so much points to it. Like my symptoms came at a different time than they normally do.

Saturday is my mommas 50th birthday and we are throwing her a surprise birthday party and we are praying to be able to give her a BFP for her second grand baby.

If you are a believer in God and a prayer warrior, please say a prayer for me! I have been so anxious to take a test but want to wait until Saturday morning. Philippians 4:4-6 comes to mind for me right now, so trying to shift my focus back to God and praying for patience when I get anxious.

Did anyone else experience these symptoms and get a BFP?

To hold me over I would LOVE to hear some positive stories from others!!!❤️