The on going sleep battle


I definitely have a baby that does not sleep easily. From day 1 we have struggled with sleep. For her first 7 months no sleep was possible unless she was held - we tried everything. Then magically around 8 months she suddenly wanted to sleep in her crib. Now at almost 11 months (and teething) her sleep is so nutty again. She will still mostly sleep in her crib but she wakes up constantly and usually some time between 1am and 3am will decide she’s done with sleep and be awake. She’s so cranky because she’s not sleeping but obviously you can’t force someone to sleep. We’ve tried everything, and no luck. For example, tonight we did her normal bedtime routine, she’s clean, well fed, obviously tired, and she’s been crying/refusing to sleep for 2 hours. I know once she finally falls asleep she’ll be awake again in 1-3 hours. Its exhausting. I’m so hopeful that she’ll settle back into a routine once these next teeth pop through.

Anyone else still struggling with sleep for your June baby?