😭 dh is so insensitive sometimes


We have 3 boys 6, 4, 18months, and we’ve just found out (last week) that we’re pregnant with #4 (6wks)

There’s mixed feelings on how we feel about this new bub (no offence to anyone who’s being trying etc) And although part of me is happy, part of me is concerned because of dh still being really worried about having 4 kids! We were happy and used to the idea of 3 boys being it.

We sat down to dinner and our Lo started playing with his water so I said “stop don’t do that your getting wet”

And dh said in a snarky tone “how are you going to raise 4 kids!”

😭 i feel like this is the biggest bs ever!

After our 3rd I said I’d like for him to get the ✂️

I feel like I’ve done my part in birthing three humans, plus I’ve don’t contraceptives, implants. (And I’ve been on so many pills, IMplant and for some reason I feel nauseous on each of them, we’ve determined with dr that I’m super sensitive to hormonal contraception so it’s a no go zone for me)

And if we’re done then it’s his turn to take care of things. I mean as a mum of three most nights it’s him wanting sexy time.. if you get my drift 😜

I’m usually dead to the world after 9pm 💀

I feel like screaming at him and saying shut the f up! This baby 🤰🏽 didn’t happen on my own! It’s 50/50 so shape up and stop crying! It’s done and dusted.

I’m trying to be sensitive and supportive

I’ve said to him that things will work themselves out and We’re not the first or last couple to have 4.

I feel like I need support too! I’m freaking out on the inside! I thought this was the home stretch! Both older boys in school next year, just me and my Lo at home, I’d be able to pickup more hrs at work and now I’ll very likely need to give up my job that I LOVE. I’ll need to start from scratch.

I already love this bean. I just wish dh would get on board pronto and stop worrying! It’s not even a problem financially, it’s just the fact that there will be four kids.