Ivf only option after 2 miscarriages??

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

I’m 38 almost 39 in a month. I just had my second consecutive miscarriage on 4/13. I started seeing a fertility specialist who is doing blood tests for blood clotting disorders he also tested me and my husbands chromosomes, doing an HSG when I get my cycle back and an AMH and other tests. I called my doc in nyc where I’m from for a second opinion and I was kinda pissed Bc without seeing me in five years now (I live in indiana) he said to me “those blood tests aren’t gonna find anything. You need

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. 99 percent of the time it’s the egg and because of your age that’s what it most likely is” Really??? This was very discouraging to me. I’m almost disappointed I called him. I have a friend who is almost 40 and she had three miscarriages and is now pregnant 34 weeks naturally. Is it true that Bc of my age this is my only option? I get pregnant fast and both times was within 2 months.

Feeling hopeless.