38 week Appt Membrane Sweep


Can anyone else not make up their mind?

I keep going back and forth (literally minute by minute) between “No stay in there, things aren’t ready!” And “Get this baby out of me NOWWW!”

Today at my appt my midwife said I was almost 5 cm dilated. (At 6cm she said they automatically admit you and break your water). She asked if I wanted a membrane sweep and I don’t know why but in that minute I wanted him in so I said “No, probably next week if he doesn’t come by then.” My husband knows how miserable I am but also how crazy I’ve been so he just gave me this look from across the room like “really?” but then immediately gave me this “it’s your decision babe!” Thumbs up 👍🏼

I’m fine with my decision right but I know when my back hurts and I’m miserable at 3 am tonight I’m going to be cussing myself out.

I know there’s a good chance it wouldn’t have even worked anyway but I just feel like a nut for going back and forth so much! Anyone else?