Just need someone to talk to about my hormonal feelings😢


I just want to start by apologizing if this ends up being super long or very dramatic. I am on my period and I realize I’m a lot more emotional than normal. Anyhow my boyfriends birthday was yesterday and Friday he left with his friends to go to carowinds and see one of their other friends, so they were 3/4 hours away from home. I didn’t mind at all but I would have liked to see him soon because I haven’t seen him since last Wednesday. Now he told me that he’s starting another job (he’ll have two jobs now) which is amazing for him, but he also tells me he won’t be able to see me on the weekdays, only on some weekends if he’s off. We used to see each other during the week and every weekend, so this is kind of a big change for us and quite honestly it’s had me in a down mood. I can’t explain it but last night when we were talking on the phone he didn’t sound like him. I know it’s impossible but I feel like his birthday changed his whole mindset. We have talked about him getting a second job and I was kinda bummed about it, but I want the best for him and his future, I just didn’t know it would be this soon. Last week we talked about us both not feeling the passion and romance like we used to and now I’m worried we won’t be able to get it back because we will barely see each other. Now I feel like I don’t even know him, but I don’t know how to tell him how I feel. I feel like it’s stupid and selfish of me to feel this way. I just feel like I need advice on how to bring the romance and passion back in our relationship and how to tell him that I feel this way, or if I even should tell him. Thank you to anyone who read this far.