If your lounging around rn and dunno what to do with yourself...

A list to do 🍃


Tidy your bed

Put your clothes and washing away

Throw any litter away

Organise everything else


Spray your room with nice smells


Run a bath or shower

Put shampoo in your hair and wash out

Put conditioner in and leave it in

Put a facemask on

Wash your body with a nice bodywash

Wash conditioner out

Shave if you want to

Get out

Wash your face

Put on some deodorant

Put on body cream and moisturiser

Get in comfy pjs

Brush your teeth

For people who go to school-

Do all your homework

Study for a little while

Pack your bag

If your English or something get your uniform ready

Get your equipment ready and prepare for your classes in the morning

Put everything out for the morning

Before bed-

Put on pjamas

Drink some tea

Read a book or watch a film

Set a time for you to go to bed

Sleep 😴
