He doesn’t like older girls?? 😭

So I have a crush on a boy but he’s a grade below me. He’s only a couple of months younger than me but since I was born in mid summer and he was born early fall, he was put in a grade below me. We are kinda friends but we can’t be considered close. I asked my friend who’s really close to him if he would date a girl older than him by a couple of months.

He said no, he’s only date girls younger.

What do I do? I was heartbroken when I heard this because I’ve had a crush on him since December. Should I try and get over him? Or should I get closer to him and try and change his mind? I don’t know what to do with these kind of situations because I’ve never dated before and I’ve only had a couple of crushes even though I’m in 8th grade.

I’m scared he won’t even be near me once I’m in high school because he’ll be in middle school still and then after that I won’t have any classes with him most likely. We’re only friends because he’s a trumpet player and I’m a violinist so we’re both in full orchestra. It started when he left his folder on his stand and I put it away for him and then he thanked me and he kept making jokes with me... 😍 I can go on forever.

But I don’t know what to do😭