Idk what to title this

I just need to vent tbh, no one seems to understand or hear me when I say, literally anything being inserted in me (tampons, fingers, etc) HURTS. I have had teeth pulled without Novocain and it was no where near as painful as putting in a tampon with half a bottle of lube while I was bleeding heavily (so I know it was lubricated enough) but I need a pelvic exam because I think I mite have i mite have endometriosis because I have all of the f**king symptoms. Also my gyno says she need to do one to figure out why it hurts me so badly because I “look normal” even though the only person I ever seen have a vaginal opening like mine they said had a condition that needs surgery to fix. So I’m really upset and in a lot of f**king pain and it feels like, no one is listening.