HELP pls

I need some advice... So back in October I met a guy, he was extremely kind and honestly me and him hit it off immediately. (We'll call this guy M for story sake) But I knew he was in a relationship so I backed away and stayed as a friend. Soon after his best friend, which is also one of my friends, approached me and told me that M's girlfriend was emotionally abusive and M needed help trying to let go and move on. Well after M and I talked for 4 months of calling every night, going out and doing friend things together, and he even met my parents I realized over this time period that I had really truly fallen for him. Well he had 'promised' multiple times to break up with his abusive girlfriend it never happened. I decided that I would give him a week and if nothing happened I would leave. Well, I stayed for another two months. Now I was recently asked out by a guy in my class who is really sweet. After what happened with M I was nervous but ready to move on. A couple of days later M confronted me about being in a relationship. So I went off on him, calling him out. He is such a nice guy who truly didn't mean to hurt me and now our friendship is on edge. Now that we have stopped our nightly calls and hang outs I've missed him. My sister said I need to give them time to break up. But they just went to prom and had a great time, no matter what I do I can't get my heart to forget him. Everything around him was so easy and non-complicated. I could be my REAL self. Since the small blow up we had he hasn't been the same either according to friends he's been picking up suicidal habits ( I used to have really bad depression he helped with)and he started skipping class and drinking. I'm scared for him and myself. We have each other blocked on everything to try and help us move on... I don't know what to do honestly... Should I go back to him or should I try and move on? Unblock and try again? I just don't know what to do.....