What went wrong..

This is my husband and I. Just back in April we got married in Disneyworld, everything about our relationship was amazing. Long story short.. 
I met my husband at a dance choreography class last year of 2014 and we were partnered up together and we didn't instantly click, we exchanged numbers, phone calls, and a few dates. My parents did not like him at all for me, my parents grew more strictly about me going out ( I have asian parents and they do hardcore parenting), I don't really blame them for acting that way obviously because I was their daughter. My husband had to study over in Montréal and so he had to leave in January. My parents and I weren't having the best relationship and that continued on until my husband had to leave, on the day my husband had to leave my parents prevented me from seeing him off, so I was balling my eyes and I just got up and left to go see me off at the airport. I told him everything that has happened he booked me a ticket to Montréal a week after he left. I stayed in Montréal for a good 4 months and I went back to continue my studies. Before I went back I fixed things with my parents and they accepted me. A week after I found out that I was pregnant, told my parents and they were very accepting. 
I then told my husband and we were both excited for the baby! Although.. When he told his parents they didn't like me or the baby. Infact one of their relatives called me a few days after suggesting abortion or adoption. I was very angry. My husband is supported by his parents because he's not a citizen in my country so he couldnt work, he had to get a status thats why he was sent to Montréal. My husband's parents had cut his phone and had control over everything over him. I was very very upset, my husband would message me once a week and now I haven't spoke with him in a month. He hasnt tried contacting me since they cut our connection, I was very confused because we were so close and inlove and I couldn't believe he was just letting his parents do this to us! (He is 21 btw). I offered to sponsor him and everything that I could possibly do but he rejected them all because he couldn't "dump" his family. He told me he loved me less and less because of his situation, which is completely absurd!? I have tried my best to help him and then he was blaming our relationship that he was getting bad grades because of it, and finally the last message he sent me is he was asking me to get rid of our baby and how he is going back to his home country and forget whatever happened. We had such a solid relationship and within 3 weeks he tells me this? Was I wrong about marrying him! 
There is no way that I will get rid of my baby, my baby has done nothing wrong and deserves to live and deserves to have a life. I am just so upset about him.. He doesn't bother contacting me anymore.