Welcome, Baby Henry


Henry arrived at 37 + 4 after laboring for 37 hours (because of pregnancy induced hypertension). I have had no signs of PE, but they wanted to induce to make sure that it didn’t turn into it.

It was a long labor with 2 failed epidurals (ouch) and ended in fetal distress with concerns for Chorio. Henry’s heart rate shot up and stayed up, and I was appearing septic. I felt better almost immediately out of delivery....not good, but I didn’t feel like I was dying. Henry is still in the NICU, but should get to come to Mother/baby as long as his cultures come back negative.

Single mommin’ it with a baby in the NICU while

I’m trying to make it to NI every 3 hours for breast feeding is definitely not fun. But it will be worth it.

May 7th 1030a

7lb 11 oz, 19.5 inches long
