May 20th Baby


I’m so proud at how patient I’ve managed to stay at 38 w + 1 d... but I’m getting super anxious! So far I’ve had what feels like menstrual cramps in my back and pelvic region, and a few times a day it feels like baby boy is punching straight down into my vagina... lol! My question/worry is about Braxton Hicks. It seems like a lot of Momma’s get them, but I honestly can’t tell if/when I’m having them! One of the OBs in my clinic has said they feel like menstrual cramps? I’ve had cramps that sometimes seem to coincide with tightening of my belly, but I can’t tell if it’s just my baby stretching out in there. Any input Momma’s?

I know every woman/pregnancy is different but I feel anxious and not in control, as I don’t know if I’m dilating or if I’ll end up being pregnant past my due date. I’m not terribly uncomfortable and I know my Son is getting nice and healthy, but I’m so excited everyday thinking it could be the day!