Am I in labor ?

Kayla • Proud mommy of 2👶🏽. 👶🏽 #3 July 1 19

I’m 37 weeks exactly today.. Yesterday I had really strong contractions that are about a 1-2 minuets apart but then stop after 20-30 minuets they stopped, happened to me twice. Then this morning it happened again before my appointment... I had my appointment and I was checked, my doctor said I was almost 3cm and all the way soft.. Once I got home around 1pm I started to have the same contractions and then they stopped again.. I’ve gone to the the bathroom many many many times since I have been home. Some times I spot after she checks but this time I didn’t. But now it’s 7pm and when I went to the bathroom and wiped there was blood and was a little pink (Normally if I bleed after the appointment is like a brown) there was kinda a lot I had to wipe a few times....

So my question is, should I be worried ??

Btw I am a little crampy but nothing too serious..