Hospital Bedrest, 0.3(mm) cervix, 24 weeks

Cori • Momma to one girl (14 years), and one boy (2 years), and new baby boy due in August!

GOOD NEWS: My baby boy is as healthy as can be! At six months into this pregnancy, he continues to grow beautifully, is meeting milestones early, and he’s always active. My pregnancy in general has also been very healthy! Mind, body and soul. 💙

BAD NEWS: I have a short cervix this pregnancy.

A normal cervix measures 3cm during pregnancy, mine has now dropped to 0.3(mm). Obviously, without a cervix baby has no ‘plug’ (for lack of a better word), so it could be a dangerous situation. In this case, I have been admitted to the hospital, and am under 24 hour monitoring and total bedrest. I mean- lying down, no sitting up, no getting up. I can change positions if I’m uncomfortable, that’s it.

If you really know me, you know I’m not a “rester”. 🙅🏻‍♀️ I am actively NOT sitting down from the moment I wake up to the time my head hits the pillow. So this will be a huge challenge for me. This will also be difficult for my family, my son mostly. I’m thankful he can stay with me whenever he needs, but he doesn’t understand what’s going on, and will have a hard time adjusting to the change. My husband has really stepped up over the last couple of days. Sophia and other family included. But we’re all scared, as you can imagine.

MORE GOOD NEWS: I am not dilated at all, and haven’t experienced any labor provoking contractions/pains. 👍🏼 Hoping for a “short but strong” hold on things until we reach full term in 12 weeks.

Pray for us! Please don’t just focus on the bad news here. Also focus on the all of the HEALTH that baby boy and I have between us right now! 💙 We need that good energy!

We are hopeful, and under the best care (literally) you could hope for in a situation like this, but we are far from out of the woods, and we all have a lot of work to do.